Deutsche Kafka-Gesellschaft
This site of the German Kafka society, founded 2005, gives information on a.o. Kafka related events, publications, cooperation projects, etc.. In German.
Österreichische Franz Kafka-Gesellschaft
Brings information (membership, board) on the society (founded 1979), its activities and the Kafka Memorial Room in Kierling. Only in German.
Kafka Society of America
Website of the first Kafka society (founded 1975), not available. Organizes annual symposia and publishes Journal of the Kafka Society of America.
Společnost Franze Kafky (Franz Kafka Society)
Contains information on the society (founded 1990) and Centrum Franze Kafky (Franz Kafka Center), Prague. In Czech, partially in English and German.
Oxford Kafka Research Center
Aims to advance and co-ordinate research on Franz Kafka, and more generally on German-language and especially German-Jewish literature and culture in the period of Modernism. Within its vicinity the Bodleian Library, where many Kafka manuscripts are kept.
E-mail links on homepage.
Bodleian Library, Oxford: Catalogue of the papers of Franz Kafka, 1882-1940
Catalogue of an important collection of Kafka manuscripts, containing Notebooks (diaries, novels [a.o. Der Verschollene and Das Schloss]), Loose leaves, Letters and the Schocken Gift.
National Library of Israel: Kafka Estate of Max Brod
Survey and catalogue of Kafka manuscripts in Max Brod’s estate allocated to the NLI in 2016-19.
Princeton Kafka Network (PKN) (not a website)
Consortium, initiated in 2009 by Princeton University, in collaboration with Humboldt University (Berlin) and Oxford University (see above). ‘Particular emphasis will be placed on his literary and historical context, German-Jewish literature during his lifetime. We will examine not only the contributions which many disciplines of thought (psychology, sociology, medicine, theology, law) have made to the understanding of Kafka’s work, but also the many ways in which Kafka’s work has in turn enriched these disciplines.’ Director: Michael Jennings, Vice-Directors: Stanley Corngold and Joseph Vogl.
For e-mail links scroll down.
Institut für Textkritik: facsimile Kafka Edition
Editor of the Historisch-kritische Franz Kafka-Ausgabe (FKA), Heidelberg, published by Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen (see below).
Internet Speculative Fiction Database
Collection of all Kafka texts in German and other languages. With search option.
Mauro Nervi’s The Kafka Project
Extensive site by Italian Kafka expert and fan. Offers complete German text of critical edition (available are now Kafka’s three novels, Betrachtung, Das Urteil, diaries and part of Nachgelassene Schriften und Fragmente I & II); also scanned manuscript of “Im Dom” from Der Proceß, and Italian translation of the same novel. A lot of downloadable articles on Kafka, also by outstanding Kafka scholars. Many links.
Kathi Diamant’s Kafka Project
Website of Kathi Diamant, author of Kafka’s Last Love. The Mystery of Dora Diamant (Basic Books, 2003) (also in German: Kafkas letzte Liebe. Die Biografie von Dora Diamant. Mit Auszügen aus Dora Diamants Aufzeichnungen. Vorw. Reiner Stach [Onomato, 2013]). Since a long time Kathi is looking for letters and manuscripts by Kafka, confiscated by the Gestapo in Dora’s home in Berlin, 1933.
Franz Kafka: Briefe und Tagebücher
Website, mastered by Werner Haas (Univ. Innsbruck), on which you can search through all Kafka’s diaries and letters for single or combined keywords. Also downloadable (ca. 6.45 Mb).
Franz Kafka se představuje
Kafka’s works, calendary and drawings, biographies, illustrations, etc.. In Czech.
Journeys of Franz Kafka
Website on big project by the Czech photographer Jan Jindra in cooperation with a.o. Josef Čermák, Rainer Stach and Hans-Gerd Koch.
In Czech, German, English and Spanish.
Franz Kafka Konkret
Website by Gerhard Rieck with short biography, surveys of primary and secondary literature, texts to Kafka (with download possibility) and links to other Kafka sites. In German.
Franz Kafka Online
Website, maintained by a certain Gregor. Contains menu to Kafka’s works (in English) and below links to News, Quotes and Links pages.
Kafka Atlas
Survey of Kafka reception in many countries, edited by Ekkehard W. Haring, TU Dresden.
Franz Kafka Museum
Museum in Prague on the East bank of the Vltava, near the Charles Bridge. In Czech, English and German.
Kafka & Prag
German site with all Kafka locations in Prague. Author: Alexander Schlegel, München.
S. Fischer Verlag & Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag
A.o. about the Critical Kafka edition. Subjects: Life, Works, Finds, Finds archive. In German. Maintained by Kafka biographer Reiner Stach.
Wallstein Verlag
Publisher of facsimile Kafka edition and Kafka-Kurier edited by Roland Reuß and Peter Staengle, Institut für Textkritik (see above), Göttingen (formerly published by Stroemfeld/Roter Stern, Frankfurt/M).
Publisher of Dutch Kafka translations, Amsterdam.