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Nr. 1, February
- “Hemel” [“Heaven”]: Kafka in Harry Mulisch’s novel De ontdekking van de hemel [The Discovery of Heaven].
- “Toneel” [“Stage”]: on Dutch performance of Alan Bennett’s Kafka’s Dick.
- “Film”: on Steven Soderbergh’s Kafka (1991).
* Nr. 2, May (in voorraad/in stock)
- “Kafka Appeal”: on Dutch performance of Alan Bennett’s play Kafka’s Dick.
- “Kafka’s huis” [“Kafka’s house”]: on Paul Feld’s play The Seance, based on Beschreibung eines Kampfes, Die Verwandlung and Der Verschollene.
- “Carceri”: on Vor dem Gesetz and Piranesi’s famous etchings.
- “Hemel II” [“Heaven II”]: again Kafka in Mulisch‘s novel De ontdekking van de hemel [The Discovery of Heaven].
- “Business”: Kafka boom in Prague.
- “Lange schaduwen” [“Long shadows”]: on Steven Soderbergh’s Kafka.
- “Bau” [“Burrow”]: stage version of Der Bau in Prague.
- Jacques De Visscher, “Franz Kafka and philosophy”: reprint of 2 reviews.
- Reviews: L. Verbeeck, Franz Kafka – Portret van de schrijver als goochelaar [… Portrait of the writer as juggler] (1992); Kafka, Träume – “Ringkämpfe jede Nacht”. Ed. G. Giudice & M. Müller (1993).
* Nr. 3, September (in voorraad/in stock)
- “The Trial”: on David Jones’ Prozess film.
- “Hervertaling” [“Retranslation”]: on Dutch translation of critical Kafka edition.
- Niels Bokhove, “Anders †”: necrology for Günther Anders.
- Jaap Timmers, “Nachtmerrie” [“Nightmare”]: interview with Dutch author Albert Helman (*1903) on his early Kafka interest.
- Niels Bokhove, “Lente” [“Spring”]: on Liblice conference 30 years ago.
- “Heilige Wenzel” [“St. Wenzel”]: Kafka’s apocryphal work on the Czech leader and his brother Boleslav.
- Reviews: J. Schneider, Kafka & Co. (1993); Brod & Kafka, Een vriendschap in brieven [A friendship through letters] (1993).
* Nr. 4, November
- “Kafka – Brod”: report of the Circle’s symposion on their relationship, Amsterdam, Sept. 20, 1993.
- Jaap Timmers & Niels Bokhove, “Morriën”: part of interview with Dutch author Adriaan Morriën (*1912) on his early interest in Kafka’s works.
- “Fellini †”: necrology for Italian film director, influenced by Kafka.
- Niels Bokhove, “Jungborn”: account of trip to sanatorium in the Harz visited by Kafka 1912.
- Review: Kafka, De gier. Vertellingen [The Vulture. Stories]. Transl. W. Boesten (1993).