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Nr. 1, February (voorradig/in stock)
- Vera de Bot, “Het geschreven lichaam. Kritiek op Lehmanns interpretatiemethode” [“The written body. Critique of L.’s interpretative method”]: criticizes Lehmann’s view of Kafka’s texts as referring only to themselves and pleads for the pluriformity of their meaning, like the Kabbala interpretations.
- Niels Bokhove, “Met oogkleppen in een wankele piramide. Van parallel naar invloed” [“With eye-flaps in an unstable pyramid. From parallel to influence”]: critical article on A. Heidsieck’s reductionistic The Intellectual Contexts of Kafka’s Fiction: Philosophy, Law, Religion, 1994).
- Klaus Zickhardt, “Josef K. wraakt Herman V.. Reaktie op Verhaars Weerwoord” [“Joseph K. challenges Herman V.. Response to V.’s Reply”: again about Joseph K.’s guilt.
- Niels Bokhove, “Dora’s neef” [“Dora’s Nephew”]: a nephew of Kafka’s last – and most intimate – girl friend Dora Diamant contacted the Kafka Circle through this web site!
- Niels Bokhove, “‘In rook vervlogen. Kafka’s verloren werk” [“‘Melted into thin air’. K.’s lost works”] 5: on school talks and papers, 2: Goethe’s poem Ilmenau.
- Reviews: Tonia Haan, Postérité du Picaresque. Sa Réécriture par quelques Écrivains de la Crise du Sens F. Kafka [etc.] (1995) | G. Kurtág, Kafka Fragments (CD, 1990) | H.-G. Koch, Als Kafka mir entgegenkam… Erinnerungen an Franz Kafka (1995).
* Nr. 2, May
- Jaap Timmers, “‘Kafka zelf kon ons geen barst schelen, wel zijn boeken.’ Interview met Albert Helman” [“‘We didn’t care a damn for Kafka himself, but we did for his books.’ Interview with A. H.”: about the interest of the Dutch novelist for Kafka’s work since ca. 1930.
- Cor de Back, “Veertig jaar Vor dem Gesetz” [“Fourty Years VdG“]: on Els Andringa’s book Wandel der Interpretation.
- “Marthe Robert †”: Necrologue.
- Erik Mossel, “Huiswerk nakijken” [“Checking homework”]: worskhop on translating Kafka, Amsterdam, last April.
- “KafkaWeb” 1: New feature on remarkable Kafka sites on the World Wide Web by N. Bokhove.
- Niels Bokhove, “‘In rook vervlogen. Kafka’s verloren werk” [“‘Melted into thin air’. K.’s lost works”] 6: on school talks and papers, 3: “Wie haben wir den Schluß von Goethes Tasso aufzufassen?”.
- News & Announcements: Wagenbach speaks next autumn in Rotterdam | Series of four Kafka papers in Studium Generale Amsterdam | Molitor’s [= Aimé van Santen] manuscripts on Kafka | Kafka helped Hungarian fugitive Lorant 1919 with job in cinema.
- “Stage & Screen”: The Castle in Eindhoven | Hunger Artist in Amsterdam.
- Reviews: H. Steinmetz, Modern Literatur lesen (1996).
Nr. 3, September — 1896 – MILENA JESENSKÁ – 1996
- Andrea Wolff, Introductory biographical sketch.
- Jaap Timmers, “Tussen mode en engagement. Milena als journaliste” [“Between fashion and engagement. M. as a journalist”].
- Milena Jesenská, “Moderne achterklap” [Modern backbiting”] (1927) (Dutch transl. H. Geerts).
- Niels Bokhove, “Mens en werk één. Milena interpreteert Kafka” [“Man and work are one. M. interprets K.”].
- Rosemarie Buikema, “Balancerend tussen privé en openbaar. Milena als moeder” [“Balancing between private and public. M. as a mother”].
- Hank Geerts, “De oorvijg aan Kopřiva. Milena lid van de communistische partij” [“The box on the ear of K.. M. a member of the Communist Party?”].
- Lumír Čivrný, “Symbool van het verdwenen en verzonken Praag” [“Symbol of vanished and submerged Prague”] (1985) (introd. & transl. H. Geerts).
- “Werk van en over Milena Jesenská” [“Works by and on M.J.”].
- News & Announcements: Milena Righteous among the Nations | Colloquium Kafka Society Prague | Milena Exhibition National Memorial for Literature, Prague | Gottfried von Einem †.
- Stage & Screen: “Milena in Writing on the Line”, Channel 4, UK.
- Reviews: M. Hockaday, Kafka, Love and Courage. The Life of Milena Jesenská | A. Wagnerová (ed.), Prager Frauen – Neun Lebensbilder | D. Glisovic, Politik im Werk Kafkas.
* Nr. 4, December
- Anthony Northey, “Kafkas Liebchen und kein Ende…. Über Julie Kaiser, eine unbekannte Freundin des Dichters”: on the relation between Kafka and his secretary J.K..
- Jaap Timmers & Niels Bokhove, “‘Overdag overall aan, ’s avonds Kafka’. Simon Vestdijk las Kafka voor aan Mieke” [“‘By day in overall, at night Kafka.’ S.V. reads Kafka to his wife Mieke”]: interview.
- Andrea Wolff, “Wagenbachs leven met Kafka” [“W.’s life with K.”]: report on Klaus Wagenbach’s lecture, 1-12-1996.
- Andrea Wolff, “Never mind the facts…”: report on Milena Jesenská memorial night, 26-9-1996, esp. Vera Belmont’s Milena-film.
- Nic Bakker, “Nogmaals Josef K.” [“Once again Josef K.”]: contribution to discussion on Josef K.’s guilt.
- Niels Bokhove, “‘In rook vervlogen. Kafka’s verloren werk” [“‘Melted into thin air’. K.’s lost works”] 7: university years.
- News & Announcements: Critical and Facsimile Editions | Suicide | Van Caspel.
- Stage, Screen & Disc: Animation films: Dumala & Bros. Quay | Tout homme porte une chambre en lui in Brussels | Matthias Langhoff’s Ile du Salut, based on In der Strafkolonie, in Paris | Nigel Kennedy’s CD.
- Reviews: Kafka, Ein Bericht für eine Akademie, illustr. by Andrea Di Gennaro | Darrin Verhagen, The Scribbler [CD, inspired by Kafka’s Der Prozeß].